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  • What can't go in the dumpster? We allow common household and construction debris. Flammable, toxic or otherwise hazardous materials and liquids are not allowed in our dumpsters.


  • How high can I load the dumpster? All of our dumpsters have a "maximum loading level" sticker on them. Nothing should be sticking up above the sides of the dumpster.


  • What items have charges or additional fees? There are some items that have additional fees. These items include: tires, mattresses, box springs, refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners (Freon). Please call for pricing at (413) 247-5853.


  • Do I have to be there when you deliver my dumpster rental? You do not have to be there for delivery or pickup. Please make sure the area where you want the dumpster is clear of vehicles or anything that may prevent us from accessing the spot you requested.


  • How long can I have the dumpster rental for? You can keep the dumpster as long as needed, but we do charge a $5.00 per day rental fee after your first two weeks with the dumpster. When you’re ready, call us at (413) 247-5853 to schedule a pick up.


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